
Running Ambassador Program

Rollin’ Oats Running Ambassador Program

Greetings, Health Enthusiasts!

Join us in spreading the love for a health-conscious lifestyle through the Rollin’ Oats Running Ambassador Program. We’re on the lookout for up to (4) passionate individuals to join our team.

Who We Are Looking For

We’re not here to judge your fitness level; we’re here to celebrate your enthusiasm for a healthier, happier life. We invite:

  • Health-conscious individuals with a passion for well-being.
  • Advocates of Rollin’ Oats, our local, natural, and organic grocery haven.
  • Friendly faces, eager to help others start their health journey.
  • Active individuals, from seasoned athletes to beginners.
  • Optimistic and enthusiastic spirits.

No need for fancy titles or qualifications; we want everyday people committed to embracing a healthier lifestyle with zeal.

What You’ll Receive:

As a Rollin’ Oats Running Ambassador, you’ll enjoy:

  • A stylish Rollin’ Oats Running Ambassador T-shirt.
  • Entry to the vibrant St. Pete Run Fest Rollin’ Oats 10K.
  • Up to $200 in Rollin’ Oats Gift Cards.
  • Exciting product samples from our trusted brands.

Your Role

Embrace your role as an ambassador by:

  • Active participation in the St. Pete Run Fest and our Wellness Village.
  • Sharing content monthly based on each month’s theme August-November. Ex: August’s is Hydration! Share content surrounding a product that keeps you hydrated. Some of these will include product provided by our sponsors.
  • Collaborating with our creative Rollin’ Oats Marketing team and your fellow ambassadors on content ideas and providing valuable feedback.
  • Availability to attend potential ambassador meetings and vendor seminars.
  • Featuring in Rollin’ Oats video and photo content.

The program will focus on creating content leading up to and during St. Pete Run Fest, but we’re open to your contributions even after the event. Our ambassadorship program will refresh for the next year by fall 2025.

Ready To Join Us?

If you’re excited to be part of this vibrant community, send us a short video (minimum 30 seconds) that covers your name, location and why you’re eager to get involved – the more personality the better!

Please email your video to marketing@rollinoats.com with the subject line “RO Running Ambassador Program” and be sure to include your name and Instagram handle.

Applications are open until 8/5, and we’ll announce our ambassadors by 8/9.

Join us in inspiring health and vitality, one step at a time!